Hi, I'm Terry, and I'm a productivity coach.

Want to be a thriving part-time entrepreneur while keeping your day job?

Gain confidence, capability, and capacity to run a sustainable side business without giving in to toxic hustle culture.

Productivity Coaching for Part-Time Entrepreneurs

You have 7 hours of free time every week to build an exciting side business.

Don't get pressured by toxic hustle culture into quitting your well-paying day job.
I'll show you where these hidden pockets of time are + how you can get access to them with practical, actionable, and no-nonsense productivity training program.

A coaching program tailored to your unique needs.

You're getting fooled by toxic hustle culture.

Have you ever been tempted to quit your job or take a sabbatical to escape the overwhelm of your day job just to build your side business?Please, don't. Just don't.You don't need "more time"; you just need to use your time better.Enter The Routines RoadmapIt's a no-nonsense & field-tested approach to help you be a highly-organised part-time entrepreneur.If you do it right, you'll be able to enjoy the best of both worlds - a decent salary from your day job AND fulfilment & personal growth from your side business.

A Values-based Approach to Time & Energy Management

From Disorganised & Unmotivated to Focused & Energised.


Get clear on your goals, motivations, and what's possible for you.


Define checkpoints to measure your progress & stay consistent easily.


Implement your routines & improve through iteration to get sh*t done.

Stop burning out with all that toxic productivity & "hustle bro" nonsense.
You know yourself best, so you set your own rules.

Be Your Own Chief Operating Officer

Designed for part-time entrepreneurs with a full-time day job.

Mid-Career Employees

... who want to pursue passion projects & personal growth outside of their corporate titles.


... who want to develop a stable & predictable project pipelines without sacrificing creative freedom.

Side Hustlers

... who want to avoid being stuck in a day job they hate and build a path to be their own boss in the future now.


Hear what my clients are saying:

“Does coaching work? Yes. Good coaches provide a truly important service. They tell you the truth when no one else will.

Jack Welch
Former CEO of General Electric

Supporting you throughout your journey

Always keeping you on track to achieve the transformation you want.

Discovery Session

Onboarding Session

Coaching Sessions

Calibration Sessions

Offline Support

Where your work & personal life can coexist in harmony

Gain confidence & competence to run a sustainable side business you enjoy.


Find your bearings


Shift your Mindset


Know what good looks like


Juggle rubber & glass balls


Choose your battles wisely


Identify inefficiencies


Set up your schedules


Run, Recalibrate, Repeat

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Are we right for each other?

The Routines Roadmap & my coaching style will only be valuable to you if you...

  1. ... are willing to commit to making intentional change in your life now

  2. ... want to stop making excuses & start creating results for yourself

  3. ... believe you are capable of achieving beyond your job title

If this sounds like you, let's get on a FREE 50-min Discovery Call.We'll use the time to determine if The Routines Roadmap is the right program for you - no strings attached.Click the button below to get started.

100% Risk-Free Investment

30-Days Money Back Guarantee

Past clients have experienced higher level of productivity with The Routines Roadmap, and we're certain you will too.
Otherwise, you're entitled to a full refund if you let us know within the 1st 30 days of the program
No questions asked (except to give us feedback to do better).Simply reach out to us at [email protected] and request a refund. That's it!

Want to know more about what's covered in the program?

Download the Program Infopack

It contains more details to help you know exactly what you're going to sign up for.You're going to make a 4-figure investment here, so we need you to be clear & serious about this.Enter your email below and get it in your inbox right away!

Or... you can just ask me anything on the Discovery Call. #justsaying

Our Mission

Making part-time entrepreneurship accessible for full-time employees.

Hi, I'm Terry Toh 👋

My 9-5: Regional Product Strategy & Operations @ Google
My 5-9: Part-Time Entrepreneur & Certified Productivity Coach

I'm an ICF-accredited productivity coach and the Founder of TalkToTerry - a coaching & consulting practice that helps full-time workers become thriving part-time entrepreneurs.Since 2021, I've helped countless individuals define their entrepreneurial goals, improve their productivity at work, and achieve amazing results without compromising their health, relationships, or other important areas of their lives.Whether you want to take back control of your time, achieve work-life balance, or create a business around your ideal lifestyle, I'm here to help - all you have to do is ask.

ICF Associate Certified Coach
CCI Certified Coach Practitioner
Notion Essentials Certified

My Obsession

To build the perfect routine so I can live my perfect repeatable day on autopilot.

Most people think that it is impossible to build a thriving side business while working a day job without burning out."We just don't have enough time & energy!"Well, I disagree - it's all about managing expectations & knowing what your priorities are.In my journey as a part-time entrepreneur, I've learned that it is indeed possible to have the best of both worlds:(i) The relative stability & predictability of income from a 9-5 job, and(ii) The intrinsic satisfaction & growth that comes with running your own businessNow, I've distilled these lessons into free guides to help you achieve your entrepreneurial ambitions without quitting your job.

My Value

To transform overwhelmed full-time workers into thriving part-time entrepreneurs

Generic productivity advice found online doesn't work.Why?Because productivity is personal, and part-time entrepreneurship requires personalised strategies.That's why I created the "Routines Roadmap" - a 1:1 coaching program for ambitious 9-5ers who want to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations while keeping their day jobs.The program is designed based on feedback from early clients and is the ultimate productivity accelerator for your side business.

My Thoughts

To share more about sustainable entrepreneurship through joyful productivity.

I started my journey as a "part-time entrepreneur" by selling summaries of my university lecture notes to pay for my textbooks.That's when I realized I could earn extra income alongside my full-time commitment at any point in my life.However, balancing study or a day job with side hustles, family, friends, health, and personal growth is extremely tough.To achieve my ideal work-life balance, I needed to be organised, intentional, and flexible with my priorities - to me, that's what peak productivity looks like.If this resonates with you, do follow me as I share my thoughts & ideas about my brand of personal productivity.

Welcome to The Part-Time Productivity Lab

Learn the most practical ways to find 7-10 hours a week to build a 5-figure side business.

A free newsletter with field-tested strategies to help you take back your time & energy to build a thriving side business without quitting your day job.

While the content in this newsletter is and always will be free, supporting the newsletter does help ensure it's continued sustainability.
You can do so by clicking here, and you'll be assured of my eternal thanks

Take a Shortcut on your Learning

Our Experiences = Your Experiments

The Part-Time Productivity Lab is a "Choose-your-Adventure" style newsletter that delivers practical lessons distilled from the collective experience of my clients, my friends, and I in our various part-time entrepreneurship journeys.Here's how it works:

Step 1: Subscribe to the email list


Enter your email above to receive a Menu of Experiments

Step 2: Select the Experiment you want to try


Select the Experiment you're most interested to try from the Menu

Step 3: Download the guide and start practicing


Get the FREE guide in the next email & start experimenting!

Done with one Experiment and ready to try another one?
Just pick another one from the 1st email!

Stop Second-Guessing Yourself

Real, Field-Tested Practices that Works

Productivity is highly personal, so one-size-fits-all generic advice will NEVER work.
That's why only real-life case studies are included in this newsletter.
Circumstances are important for context!Here's what you can find in the Experiment Vault:
(Periodically updated)

The 7 Essential Time Blocks for a Highly-Productive 9-5
The Daily Capture Habit
The Goals & Systems Design Checklist
The Work-Life Priority Matrix
The Hidden Time Finder

More to be added - Watch this space!

Book a Free Discovery Call

"At any point, we are one question away from a different life."

Marc Champagne
Author, "Personal Socrates"

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Discovery Call requests will be reviewed & confirmed within 24 hours after submission.

Your new adventure will begin shortly. In the meantime...

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We'll confirm the call soon!

In the meantime, here are some free guides that might be useful to you!

Awesome, you're on the list!

The next email is on it's way to your inbox.

By the way, do you know about my coaching program that helps full-time workers become thriving part-time entrepreneurs?Click the button below to learn more!

Congratulations, you're all set!

Your next Experiment will begin shortly.

The 1st email & free resource should be in your inbox in less than 5 minutes.
(Check your Junk folder if you don't see it!)

P.S. If you're serious about becoming more organised & productive to build a side business without quitting your day job, then you might be interested in my personalised 1:1 coaching program.Click the button below to learn more!

Achieving Work-Life Balance, Simplified.

Taking back control of your time & energy has never been easier.

Get the "Work/Life Priority Finder" - a free guide to prioritise your job, side hustle, and personal life that's simple to understand and use immediately.

Like the Eisenhower Matrix, but better.

Set rules that make you feel good about yourself.

The Work-Life Priority Finder

So, life happens and things change all the time, right?That makes it difficult to adapt to shifting priorities all the time.Unlike other productivity frameworks, this checklist takes a holistic approach to help you maintain balance in all important areas of your life.It's a personalised solution that adapts to your ever-changing needs, ensuring that you stay on track even when things become unpredictable.

Time & Energy Management on Auto-pilot

Let the checklist make the hard decisions for you, instantly.

The Work-Life Priority Finder takes away the emotional aspect of deciding what's most important to you so you can start taking action immediately.


Find out what's taking up your time & energy now.


Spend time & energy on what matters most to you.


Turn guilt into motivation to power your actions.


Adapt your life when change happens.

Stop being stuck, start taking action

Get the Work-Life Priority Finder now!

Simply enter your details below and get it directly in your email inbox!